Conference: Day 1

Canadian Theopolitans held its inaugural conference on Canadian Nationalism on September 16 and 17 2022. The conference was titled “For the Good of the City: What the Scriptures Teach about our Christian Duty toward our Country.” 

We’ve posted up the video for your enjoyment!  There was some buzzing especially in the first speech so we apologize for that but we wanted to get the content up there for your edification. 

Here is a schedule for the speeches that were given on Day 1:

Friday, September 16:

  1. 11AM* “God establishes the boundaries of the nations:  providence and our Christian duty” by James Zekveld. (Acts 17: 22-34, 1 Corinthians 7: 17-24).
  2. 2PM “Money Binds: How should we think about Canadian social programs?” by Garry VanderVeen
  3. 4PM “You shall be like God:  A Christian response to transhumanism.” By Jim Witteveen.



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